Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Hate Poem

While I was using Twitter today, (which I mostly do these days) I came to read a prompt that asked "to write a hate poem for someone you love." And I ended up writing one that's below.

I Hate You!

Utter silence
that raging
heart stiffening
ear deafening
painful silence
is all I hear!

When I’m on my cloud-nine
wishing to share the day’s tidbits
and busy sometimes
(But mostly neglected)
when all my messages
Facebook, Viber, Whatsapp
attain martyrdom
Then, I can’t keep myself from hating you!

When ears be hungry to hear your voice
Calls unattended, I’ve no choice
Your busy schedule,
My lonely life
Occupied with own world
Least known ‘bout mine
Rendered clouds and this miscommunication!
Makes me feel this world’s a desert
And your love is the oasis
I’ve been searching
To own all way

I hate you for all the care you didn’t give
For forgetting my birthday
and promises you didn’t keep
For being so distant
For being so silent
Yet, I can’t complain,
I don’t disturb
As I always wish
This world to revolve you around 
And not end with me- bound

But still a chill runs through my spine
I may get used to your silence
I might forget those bright eyes & your smile
What if I end up forgetting how your voice sounds!
or, what if my throat gets choked with the words
when I try to let them out!

I hate you with all my strengths [dearest]

But then,
I hate myself more
I hate that I love you so much from my heart’s core
I hate that we’re so aloof, and I can’t confess my love to you!

April 6, 2016


  1. I dont see any hate here.All I can sense is selfless, pure, timid love.

    1. Hehe. Thanks Riva jee.
      We're born to love, not to hate anyway.
